
settlement of accounts中文是什么意思

  • 决算,清算帐目
  • 清算帐目



  • 例句与用法
  • The new company has duly taken over all accounts outstanding and will take all responsibility for the settlement of accounts
  • It will replace the manual settlement of accounts with automation by electronization constructions in all the banks
  • We have no right to hold your payment , or to offset our claim against you . all of our claims can only be raised after full settlement of account
  • Discharge of contractual rights and obligations does not affect the validity of contract provisions concerning settlement of account and winding - up
  • Article 98 discharge of contractual rights and obligations does not affect the validity of contract provisions concerning settlement of account and winding - up
  • We have no right to hold your payment , or to offset our claim against you . all of our claims can only be raised after full settlement of account
  • Article 48 enterprises and institutions can choose on their own will a commercial bank to open their own basic accounts for daily transferance and settlement of accounts and cash receipts and payment , but cannot open two or more basic accounts
  • In this article we consider b2b as the most important orientation of eb in postal service territory , and we should also strengthen the construction of business environment , improve the way of operation and settlement of accounts , only then can we enhance the capability of competition
  • In addition to the terms set forth in article 12 hereof , a sales contract may include terms such as packing method , inspection standard and inspection method , method of settlement of account , and the language versions of the contract and the authenticity thereof , etc
  • Article 131 additional terms in addition to the terms set forth in article 12 hereof , a sales contract may include terms such as packing method , inspection standard and inspection method , method of settlement of account , and the language versions of the contract and the authenticity thereof , etc
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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